With the recent heat waves that have been hitting parts of the country, I felt it incredibly urgent to write this post. If you’re a pet owner – please keep reading and BE RESPONSIBLE!

I find it incredibly befuddling how anyone could think it’s a good idea to leave their dog in a car in the summer time with just a few windows cracked. Let’s look into why this is not a good idea and would most likely result in your best friend kicking the bucket.

First and foremost, the normal body temperature for a dog is between 101 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s 3-4 degrees warmer than the normal body temperature for a human. So what we find warm, is even warmer for a dog. So now that we know that information onto the next piece of the equation.

On a typical summer day, the inside of a vehicle can reach upwards of 170+ degrees. This is achieved not just from direct sunlight on the vehicle, but the radiating heat from the seats, steering wheel, and the dashboard. The steering wheel of a vehicle can reach temperatures exceeding 120 degrees, while the dashboard can exceed 155 degrees, and seats can reach up to 125 degrees. This turns the inside of the vehicle into an oven. The radiating heat from these surfaces is what cranks the internal temperature of the vehicle upwards. Even with the windows cracked the temperatures are still exceeding 130-140 degrees simply from the sun shining on them.

So what if you parked your car under some shade? That still doesn’t fix the problem. In the shade, on a hot day, the internal temperature of a car still exceeded 100 degrees. The dashboard reaches around 130 degrees, the steering wheel 107 degrees, and seats 105 degrees.

Keeping a dog in a car under these conditions will literally bake your best friend alive. Since dogs don’t have sweat glands, and have fur which adds to their heat woes, they cannot adequately cool themselves like a human can. They have to pant to cool down, but panting isn’t that efficient – especially in these conditions. Even a short haired dog would find it impossible to cool down enough to survive.

So be a responsible owner, and leave your pet at home! Don’t make the mistake of saying to yourself, “I just need to run into the store for one item, really quick.” It doesn’t take long for your vehicle to start baking your best friend. If you’re taking your dog to the vet, take them there – take them back home, then go back out by yourself if you need to get something from the store or to run an errand.

Please don’t leave your dog in a hot car. It’s inhumane, and it’s irresponsible!


“How long does it take a parked car to reach deadly hot temperatures?”, Live Science; https://www.livescience.com/62651-how-hot-cars-get.html

“How hot it gets in your car & why it can be deadly”, WMC Action News; https://www.wmcactionnews5.com/2019/06/26/breakdown-why-heat-inside-car-can-be-dangerous/

Over the past year there have been an alarming number of incidents of people buying puppies from disreputable sources, and then paying the price when the puppy either becomes horribly sick, has temperament issues, or worst case scenario: the puppy dies. Look, it’s not that hard to get a puppy from a reputable source, such as an AKC registered breeder, through dog rescue groups, or the local shelter. But here are some tips from me on how to get a puppy that is going to bring you years of love and fun. I have owned three dogs as an adult, and was raised in a household that loved dogs as well. Here’s my advice for you…

I don’t doubt you think you are worthy of having a dog, but one of the first things to think about is this: can you care for the dog and provide for him/her? Can you be a responsible dog owner and take your pup to obedience classes and/or socialization classes? Do you have time in your schedule to spend time with the dog? You see, getting a dog is a bit like having a child. They need you for a variety of reasons: they need to be fed and watered, they need veterinary care (shots, yearly physicals, etc), and most importantly they need time with you! A dog’s whole life is centered around loving you and spending time with you. You are their whole world! If you aren’t going to have time to devote toward raising a dog, if you just plan on locking them away in a kennel most of the day, then a dog is not for you. Having a dog is an immense responsibility, and it’s very cruel and unfair to just get a dog for when you feel like having a dog, but all the other times you ignore them. If you can’t answer yes to having the time and the commitment to the dog, don’t spend another second thinking about it, you’re not worthy of owning a dog.

Not everyone is an expert when it comes to choosing the breed that is right for you and where you live. For example, a husky is not going to be a good choice if you live in a small apartment or if you live in an area where it gets super hot (unless you intend on shaving the dog’s fur down to a manageable state where the dog won’t overheat). Consider your environment and do some research into the breeds you are interested in. Terriers, for example, are fun dogs to have – but the first year or so can be difficult since Terriers are high energy dogs, and as puppies love to just chew the living daylights out of things. The best resource for researching dog breeds is the American Kennel Club at www.akc.org. There you can find out all the information you need to make an informed and educated decision on the dog that is right for you.

Do not ever order a puppy from anywhere and have it shipped to you. First and foremost, that is an extremely stressful situation to put the puppy in. Secondly, you need to see the puppy in-person and inspect him/her. So how do you inspect a puppy, what are the things to look for?

  1. Look at the pup’s eyes – if they are cloudy or don’t look clear, that’s a warning sign this puppy is not healthy or has some kind of health issue.
  2. Pinch the pup’s skin upward about 1 inch and then let go. If his/her skin snaps back into place, it means the puppy is well hydrated and, for the most part, healthy.
  3. Inspect the pup’s rear end – yeah, not entirely the thing you do every day, but in this case very important. If you see any discharge from the pup’s butt, that’s a warning sign as well.
  4. Watch the puppy interact with his/her litter mates. Is the pup sluggish? Does the pup have energy? Is he/she playful and active? If the pup is looking sluggish, it may mean there is an underlying issue with the dog. Always go for the pups that have energy, are vibrant and playful.
  5. Check the pup’s gums – if they’re nice and pink and healthy looking, the pup is most likely a good choice. If the gums are pale, off-white, in color it could indicate an underlying health issue.
  6. Check the pup’s skin – look for any lesions or skin irregularities that could indicate a health issue. While most skin ailments are treatable, it’s always good to be in the know.

One of the most important things you can do for your new puppy is to be prepared for its arrival. Have a plan for how you are going to housebreak the dog. The best way to do this is kennel training. Instinctively, dogs will not mess in their sleeping area, it goes back to when they were wolves. So, in theory, they won’t mess in their kennel. This doesn’t mean you keep the pup in the kennel all the time, but when you are away or when it’s time to go to bed. During the day, the pup should be inside a pen with newspaper on the floor. PRO TIP: Puppies can only hold their bladder and/or bowels for a certain period of time. The magic formula for this is simple. If the puppy is two months old, they can pretty much go for about two hours before they have to go out. Watch for signs from your puppy that he/she has to go to the bathroom. And when they do go to the bathroom outside, give them a crazy insane amount of praise and cheering. This is the best way for the dog to learn that when they go outside, my owner is super happy and goes nuts. When I go inside, they’re not happy…so I think I will go outside!

There are so many more things I could write here about raising a puppy into a loving and faithful companion, but I think you can figure out the rest – there’s a wealth of information out on the internet that will help you further. I hope this post helps you understand whether or not you should have a dog, how to pick the right breed for your situation, how to make sure the puppy is healthy BEFORE you buy it, and how to prepare for the new arrival. If you’re getting a puppy, please please always remember: YOU ARE THAT DOG’S LIFE! HIS ENTIRE WORLD! Spend time with your pup, get to know them, and most importantly shower them in love and attention.

As the world shudders and reels from the devastating effects of Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19), there is one thing that is standing tall, shining like a beacon, over the entire globe. It’s the human spirit. So many people have set aside their lives to help others, companies and organizations are making changes to the way they work to help people impacted by this virus. My own company, Freddie Mac, has already lifted foreclosures on those who have lost their jobs and are struggling to make their mortgage payments. There is an outpouring of support for people all across the globe. In our hospitals and clinics, nurses and doctors are working twelve to fifteen hour shifts (or longer) to care for patients who are infected, who are standing at the bedside of a patient who is dying and comforting them as they pass away, so they don’t feel alone – because their loved ones can’t be there with them. Our law enforcement and firemen and women are out there keeping the peace, helping those in need and supporting our communities. While many of us, myself included, are forced to work from home, these brave heroes are out there on the front lines, fighting a new kind of war. But through it all, as we fight our way through this malady, the human spirit is crying out, “we WILL persevere!” And history teaches us this…

Through every calamity, through every disaster, though many lives are lost, though many lives are impacted, one thing happens when the dust settles and the fight is over: we are stronger, we are better, we have learned much, we have developed new technologies, new capabilities, and overall humankind comes through it better off than before. I can sum it all up with a quote:

“Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger.
When we suffer, we survive.”

– Cassandra Clare, from her book “City of Heavenly Fire”


To the men and women who are on the front lines: doctors, nurses, law enforcement, firefighters and others, I would like to convey my most sincere and profound thanks for the hard work you are doing to be there for those who need you the most. God bless you, may he keep you safe.

There is no argument that our country is in a state of racial chaos and hate. How it got that way I’m not even going to touch with a ten-foot pole. The fact remains, this has got to stop! I was raised in a strict, Catholic, family and I was taught from an early age that the color of someone’s skin is immaterial to who they are as a human being. That’s right, you see it doesn’t matter what color your skin is, we are all humans. Rip that skin off a white person, rip it off a black person – what do you see? Wow, look at that, they look the same. Look into the mind of a Latino person and into the mind of a black person what do you see? I see similar dreams, similar aspirations, virtually identical wants and needs. Just because someone doesn’t share your skin color doesn’t mean they are any less or greater a human being that you. Whites are no more greater than any other color on this planet. What it truly comes down to is that people simply judge others on their outward appearance rather than on their character, their morals! That’s what it really comes down to, judgement, preconceived probabilities.

I am colorblind…no I can see colors just fine, but with regards to race, the color of other people’s skin, I am colorblind. I have a friend named Aaron who is of African ancestry. Does this mean I love him less, or treat him as if he were stupid or less intelligent than me? NO! Aaron and I are brothers, we love one another as family. When I look at Aaron I don’t see some tall black dude, I see someone who I consider to be my family. When we see one another and hang out, it starts out with a simple hug, and we ask each other how we’re doing, and go from there. Before I met Aaron, I had many other friends from various nationalities, and treated them as my equal.

So there is no reason we can’t all have that kind of relationship with people of other races. And honestly I hate the word race, it causes a separation from what we truly are, from our bones to our muscles, from our blood vessels to our internal organs and outer shell. We, are all human! There is no white, there is no black.

There is only HUMAN.

In 1983 I told my parents I was done with school, I didn’t want anything to do with school, and on top of that because they were sending me to a very expensive private school, I told them I was done because it was a waste of their money to send me to school. So it was in April 1983 when I decided to drop out of High School in my junior year. For the next seven years I was in and out of odd jobs: Domino’s Pizza, The Springfield Times, Fairfax Cablevision, Cablevision of Chantilly, an architectural firm, Little Caesar’s Pizza, and the list goes on. I quit some, I was fired from some, and my work life looked as bleak as you can possibly imagine. A year after leaving High School, my Dad bought me a Macintosh computer and that sparked my interest. By 1988 I used the things I had taught myself about computers to find myself a job doing data entry. A year later I landed my first real computer job as a Systems Analyst at the Naval Research Lab. But wait, how did I get these jobs? Lots of work, work, work, and you guessed it, work! I spent hours learning everything I could about computers. I would be up until 4AM tinkering, writing code, and reading books. After I got my first temp job in 1988 doing that data entry stuff, I had my foot in the proverbial door. For the next 18 years I worked in computers, operational networking and learning, learning, and learning the whole way. And in 1999 I corrected my high school dropout mistake by studying hard (mostly math, and a profound thanks to my dear friend Dave for the tutoring) and passing my GED exam. By 2004 I was making six figures and was in a senior level systems administration position. Then I crumpled it all up and threw it in the trash in 2007.

Wait, what?!

Yup. Threw away those six figures and all the nice things that went with it, because in 2007 I left Information Technology to pursue my true passion. A passion that had always been there since I was about six years of age, the passion for art and design. In October 2007 I left my job at US News & World Report magazine and went back to school…design school to be exact. I was a student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, studying graphic design.

After graduating in 2012 I felt there was no way I would get a job with the school work I had done, so I launched my own design studio: Pixelworx Idea Factory. I ran that baby for three years and then was hired by one of my clients. I worked super hard at learning all I could about design, keeping up with the trends, getting feedback from my peers, becoming friends with other designers and being active on twitter. I went from owning my studio to becoming lead designer of a company called Omnilert in just under 3 years – which is pretty awesome. After leaving Omnilert in November 2018, I went back to running my design studio for a bit while I sought a new job. In May 2019 I became Senior UX Designer for Freddie Mac, and I am once again on the cusp of making six figures again.

So the point I’m making here has nothing to do with money, or how much you make – because you can be making $150k/year and not be happy. The point I’m making is, not only did I achieve two careers by working my butt off, but I did it because I saw what I wanted to do and went after it with everything I had – and I didn’t go after it for the money, I went after it because IT WAS MY PASSION! And this needs to be an example for EVERYONE! If you work hard, if you study up on the thing you have a passion for, you can also get there and achieve that dream. But nobody is going to come knocking on your door with silver platter in hand and give you that amazing $90k/year job. You need to work, work, work, and dare I say it again, WORK, to get that dream job. And make sure what you’re going after is your passion, and not just something you know pays well. Like I said before, even if you’re making buttloads of money – if that career isn’t your passion, you’re not going to be happy. Design is my passion, it gets me up in the morning ready and eager to start doing awesome designs.

If I could achieve my dream job, so can you. And as my parents always told me throughout my life I now tell you, dear reader, that very same thing: “You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to do.” And you know what Mom and Dad? You were right!

On December 18, 1799 George Washington was laid to rest, and during his funeral an oration was given by Dr. Elisha Cullens Dick (1762-1825) – one of the doctors who tended Washington as he lay dying. This speech moved me in many ways. It opened my eyes to the reality that one day I’m going to die. It’s not something we should be anxious about or worry about. But it is something we should prepare for. Everything we do in this life is vain, it will all turn to dust eventually. It cannot be eternal. But within each of us is an eternal soul – something that has the opportunity to survive death. The only way it can survive is through the truth that is laid out in the bible. Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me shall have eternal life.” But it’s more than just saying “Oh sure, I believe in Jesus!” It must come from the heart, and more importantly one must live their life the right way. This speech by Elisha Cullens Dick really opened my eyes that I need to be far more diligent than I have been with regards to being a disciple of Christ. Life is unpredictable. You can be fine one day, the next you can be dead. George Washington experienced just that kind of death. He was fine and less than two days later was dead from a throat infection that essentially suffocated him.

So here’s that speech that was given. It rings with great truth and a warning that we need to pursue our eternity with greater attention.

Here we view a striking instance of the uncertainty of life and the vanity of all human pursuit. The last offices paid to the dead are only useful as lectures to the living, on them we are to derive instruction and to consider every solemnity of this kind as a summons to prepare for our approaching dissolution, not withstanding the various mementos of mortality with which we daily meet. Not withstanding that death has established his empire over all works of nature. Yet, through some unaccountable infatuation, we forget that we are born to die. We go on from one design to another, add hope to hope, and lay-out plans for the employment of many years until suddenly we are alarmed by the approach of our death, when we least expected him, and at an hour that we probably assumed to be the meridian of our existence. Let the present example excite our most serious thoughts and strengthen our resolutions to amendment. As life is uncertain and all earthly pursuits are vain, let us no longer postpone the important concern of preparing for eternity. Let us embrace the happy moment while time and opportunity offer to provide against the great change, and all the pleasures of this world shall cease to delight, and the reflections of a virtuous life shall yield the only comfort and consolation. Thus our expectations will not be frustrated when we are hurried, unprepared, into the presence of an all wise and powerful judge, to whom the secrets of all hearts are known, and from whom no culprit can escape. Brethren let us, while in this stage of existence, support with propriety the character of our profession, advert to the nature of our solemn ties, and pursue with assiduity the sacred tenants of the order. Then with becoming reverence let us supplicate the divine grace and insure the favor of the eternal being whose goodness and power know no bound. That when the awful moment arrives, be it soon or late, we may be enabled to persecute our journey without dread or apprehension to that far distant country, from which no traveller returns. By the light of the divine countenance we shall pass without trembling through those gloomy mansions where all things are forgotten, and on the great and tremendous day of trial and retribution, when we are arraigned at the bar of divine justice, let us hope that justice will be pronounced in our favor and we shall receive our reward in possession of an immortal inheritance, where joy flows in one continued stream and no mound may check its course. May we be true and faithful, and live and die in love. May we profess what is good, and may we always act agreeably to our profession. May the Lord bless us and prosper us and may all our good intentions be crowned with success. Glory be to God on high, on earth peace and goodwill toward men.

So way back in 2007 a company called The Iconfactory released a twitter client called Twitterrific. It was an amazing app with amazing features and quickly ascended to being one of the best twitter clients available. With a huge user base, the app won awards and escalades. But sadly the company’s resources were drawn thin as the iOS version of the app required more attention, because iOS and it’s user base was growing at an incredible pace. Sadly that left Twitterrific for Mac out in the cold and it eventually waned into obscurity because it simply couldn’t keep up.

Now the awesome folks at The Iconfactory are wanting to revive Twitterrific for MacOS, but they need your help! For just $30 you can help get this project rolling and a fresh, modernized, Twitterrific app out into the world. For that thirty bucks you get not just the final version of the app, but also

  • Beta versions of Twitterrific for Mac
  • A registered copy of iPulse 3 for Mac
  • Packet of Iconfactory & Twitterrific Phoenix stickers
  • Final retail version of Twitterrific for Mac

There is also an option for $15, in which you will get the final retail version of the app. For more money you can get a t-shirt, more apps, and other great stuff.

So as someone who loved Twitterrific back in its heyday, I would like to urge you to support this project. I have nothing but the highest regard for some of the people working on this project, they inspired me when I was starting out as a graphic artist and have continued to do so to this day. Not only that but I feel that the new Twitterrific is going to be more like Twitterawesome. So please help out, contribute what you can and help Project Phoenix soar!

Head over to their Kickstarter page and take a look at their short video and let them tell you more about the project!






As a graphic artist it’s vital to keep as organized as possible. So I thought I would share with you the tools I use to keep my design life organized.

First and foremost, all of the apps I choose to use have both mobile and desktop apps, because using one app for to dos on your phone and a completely different app for to dos on your desktop is just stupid to me. Let’s get started…


To Do List : Wunderlist

I cannot tell express how utterly lost I would be without my list of tasks. For this I use an app called Wunderlist. This app, despite being a sell-out to Microsoft, is about the best you can get right now. There are some better solutions down the road, but for now I use this app and try to forget it’s owned by Microsoft now. Wunderlist has a beautiful user interface and great features. It has a silky smooth sync between your iOS/Android devices and your desktop/laptop. You can add notes within tasks, assign the to dos to various categories and if you go Pro then you can share your tasks with others in your workgroup. Right now I give Wunderlist a 5 out 5 stars. I’m sure Microsoft will find some way to destroy this beautiful app, but for now it’s a great tool.

You can check Wunderlist out at their web site: wunderlist.com


Project Tracking : MeisterTask

So about six months ago I was using MeisterTask to keep track of my projects, but then kinda fell away from it because I got tired of having to access it via my web browser. Well now, thank goodness, they came out with a Mac app and I have resumed using this awesome tool to keep track of my projects, the various pieces/parts of the projects, what’s planned, what’s in progress and what has been finished. The user interface is rock solid gorgeous and simple. They have an app for iPhone and iPad which are beautifully kept in sync with your web and/or desktop app. They should have Android and Windows apps coming soon (currently in beta). I give this app 5 out of 5 stars. The only thing that kinda bugs me, and believe me it’s a small thing but big enough to bug me, is I can’t add my own beautiful background photos – I’m stuck using what they provide. Other than that it’s awesome. By the way, there is a free version and a Pro version – so if you need more power and such, you can go Pro.

You can check out MeisterTask at their web site: meistertask.com


Team Communication : Slack

Okay so you are keeping track of your tasks, keeping track of your projects, but there’s another big big facet of getting work done and that is communicating with your team. For that there is just nothing better than Slack.  As Lead Designer of my company, Omnilert, I rely big time on being able to communicate with my boss, the guy writing the code for our apps and other members of our team. Without this component in my day to day work, I would be on the phone half the time and emailing large images and design work. That’s so 20th century. So thank goodness for Slack. I can send comps, mockups, wireframes, videos of prototypes and most important of all – can have discussions and conversations with my team. I give Slack 5 out of 5 stars for awesomeness.

You can check out Slack at their web site: slack.com


Important Dates : Fantastical 2

So I have been a big fan of this app since it first reared it’s hot little head about two years ago. Fantastical is an awesome calendar app which integrates with Wunderlist for putting tasks on the calendar, allows you to use real wording when making appointments. So instead of going through all the steps of putting in a date and time and name of the event, you just type naturally: “Meeting with Steve next Tuesday at 9:30am”. The app graduated into a full fledged Mac app last year and it just owns with a rock solid user interface and experience. The iPhone and iPad apps are also top notch awesome! I give Fantastical…can you guess? That’s right, 5 out of 5 stars! Because I don’t use apps that aren’t 5 star awesomeness.

You can check out Fantastical at their web site: flexibits.com


So there you go, now you know the tools I use EVERY DAY to get my job done and make sure I am on top of what I need to do. A huge thanks to these app developers for busting their buns to make incredible software that is, to quote the immortal Steve Jobs, “insanely great.”