The second book in my trilogy, Crusade of the Sword, was officially released yesterday. In Ascension of Twilight, the League of the Sword are on a dangerous quest to find the scattered shards of a powerful sword. They face multiple challenges and put their lives at risk in order to complete their mission. Meanwhile, a threatening force called the Ashen, led by the celestial titan Zarenthrix, plans to destroy anything and everything. The League must find the shards before Zarenthrix gains enough power to enslave the entire world. The world of Almithara is filled with fear and time is running out for the League of the Sword. The minions of twilight are pursuing them, aiming to prevent them from saving the world from eternal darkness and death.

It’s an exciting continuation of the series, and I hope you’ll check it out. You can learn more and order online at

Here’s the trailers…

Prelaunch Trailer

Launch Trailer

I will never forget the day my Dad and I went to the computer store in June 1984 and he purchased the very first Macintosh. We got it home, in this big white box with a Picasso style rendition of the Macintosh on the side. Excitedly I opened the box and started unpacking: the Mac, the keyboard, the mouse, and the Getting Started kit, which included two cassette tapes that would take you through learning and using the Macintosh. We set it up on the kitchen table, plugged everything in and turned it on. We were greeted by a simple tone and the screen sprang to life showing a smiling Macintosh icon. Then a box appeared on the screen that said “Welcome to Macintosh.”

The next morning my Dad came downstairs to find me sitting at the kitchen table, having stayed up all night learning this amazing new machine. By the time he awoke that morning, I had mastered how to do everything on it, and I would take time over the next several weeks, helping my Dad and my sister to learn it. These are cherished memories of the Macintosh in 1984.

We would eventually take advantage of the upgrade programs that Apple offered to upgrade the original Macintosh to the Macintosh 512k, and the in 1986 the option to upgrade the 512k Mac to a Macintosh Plus. My Dad, like me, wanted to keep our Mac upgraded so we could do more with it.

Over the next 40 years I, personally, would own more Macintosh computers than most people. I was an Apple fan boy, and every time Apple introduced something revolutionary, I would do my best to try and get it (within reason). I was an avid fan of Steve Jobs, and his death in 2011 impacted me greatly. I still admire him a great deal, and I am thankful for all the hard work he and his team did to bring this amazing computer into the world. The revolutionary products Apple has produced have definitely changed the way we live and work. I happily use my M1 iMac everyday, throughout the day. I write my books on it, I listen to music on it, and I play online games on it. I don’t know what I would do without my Mac.

Happy 40th birthday to the Macintosh, a computer that not only changed the world, but also changed our lives for the better. Here’s to another forty years!

Well, the writing of the book is done, there’s still a lot of work left to do. Work on book 2 actually began in the fall of 2022 in the hopes of a release sometime in 2023, but you know how things go, life comes along and pulls you away from things. I had to deal with some stuff, so I set the book aside until early fall 2023. Well this morning the book was completed, and now it’s time to proof the ever living daylights out of it. Then the layout, then the publishing. Hoping to have a launch in March or April.


Crusade of the Sword is a novel trilogy in the fantasy genre. You know, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Marion Zimmer Bradley, etc. kind of stuff. I think the best way to learn about it is through the latest trailer video, so here it is…


That’s a great question! You can learn more, and buy the books (via Amazon or Apple Books) at Crusade of the Sword’s official web site:

Stay tuned for more on book 2 of Crusade of the Sword!

Some amazing news this week for arctic preservation, polar bears, and wildlife species around the globe!

A groundbreaking new paper by Polar Bears International’s chief scientist provides strong evidence that greenhouse emissions are responsible for the decline of arctic sea ice, which is negatively affecting polar bears. This research also suggests that other wildlife species may also be impacted by greenhouse emissions. Why is this so important? Because of a loophole in the Endangered Species Act nothing could be done to help polar bears, but this new paper is paving the way for the removal of that roadblock for polar bear protections.

Learn more by watching this two-minute video from Polar Bears International

For over half a century now, companies in the United States have had their products made in China. But what you may not know is that Chinese companies are at the whim of the Chinese Communist Party. That being, if the Chinese government wants a percentage of their sales (or all of their sales), they have no choice but to give that money to the government or face disturbing consequences. The money is then used to bolster the Chinese military.

So we have been funding the Chinese military for all these years, and it has to stop! We need to bring that manufacturing back to the United States, which will also promote the creation of American jobs. But most importantly, we will stop funding a government that has, time and time again, proven they want nothing more than to destroy our way of life. And now that they are allied with Russia, it is even more distressing. Not to mention the mounting evidence that COVID-19 was bioengineered in China and purposely spread by infected Chinese participants.

Bring it back to the USA!
Stop funding a government that wants to destroy the American lifestyle.

Today I am formally announcing my retirement from music composition. It’s been an awesome 30 years of composing classical music, but the time has come to put it to rest. I have far more going on in my life right now, and there’s been very little time for writing music. And sadly there is a massive pile of musical ideas which will never be realized, but that’s always been the case with composers for hundreds of years.

From the age of 11 when I wrote my very first piece, to today, it’s been an awesome learning experience. I have grown tremendously in my writing of music and my musical style. In closing, I couldn’t possibly say goodbye to it without expressing my profound thanks to those who helped me: Claude Fazio, André McRae, and composer Jeffrey Brody of the Longwood Opera Company in Boston.

My musical legacy lives on in the Complete Works of Kevin F.J. Harris, which consists of nearly 8 hours of music across six volumes. It’s available for free download at

In what could be a tough year for polar bears, initial calculations show the sea ice broke up on Western Hudson Bay on or near June 17—nearly a month earlier than the historical average. This is very concerning, because when forced ashore by melting ice, polar bears are largely food-deprived and must live off their fat reserves until the ice forms again in late fall. That’s a long time to go without food.

One week from tomorrow, on Saturday July 15, is Arctic Sea Ice Day, a day to try and help educate people on what’s happening up in the Arctic. Things are looking grim, as the world is now shattering heat records all across the globe. It may already be too late to take action. We were given fair warning by the Arctic a long time ago when sea ice began to melt earlier and earlier with each passing year.

The Arctic is rapidly warming and disproportionately driving climate risks. No matter where you live, what happens in the Arctic affects YOUR community, and vice versa. So don’t have the mindset that “Oh that’s not my problem” — IT IS YOUR PROBLEM! What happens in the Arctic will impact all of us.

Extreme Arctic warming triggers a cascade of risks across the planet!

Sea ice is necessary for several reasons:

  1. It reflects sunlight back out into space, keeping the oceans cool, and thereby keeping our planet cool. Without sea ice, solar radiation heats up the ocean which, in turn, heats up the planet.
  2. Arctic sea ice harbors a wide variety of wildlife, from simple algae on the underside of the ice, to small crustaceans, all of which are food for fish, which are food for seals, and seals are what polar bears need to survive!
  3. The sea ice is the hunting ground for polar bears, it is the platform that allows them to seek out seals. But without that platform, the seals are practically unattainable, as polar bears are not the best swimmers, and they certainly can’t out swim a seal. This means the polar bears don’t get the high fat, high protein, food they need – so they seek out food in populated areas. And that never ends well for the bear.

So the entire ecosystem of the arctic is at risk. Children being born today could be witnesses to the first mass extinction since the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

If we are unable to turn things around, the situation with our planet will accelerate to the point that we, as humans, will be unable to survive. Crops will fail, storms will be far greater in size and strength, fresh water will become hard to find, and overall the planet’s temperatures will skyrocket until all life as been extinguished. This isn’t happening someday, it’s happening NOW!

How do we make a difference?

  • We need to stop investing in fossil fuels, as well as eliminating subsidies for fossil-fuel-related industries.
  • We need to phase out coal power.
  • There needs to be a clearly defined industry roadmap to cut emissions
  • We need to protect nature to enhance carbon sinks
  • We need to align financial flows with net zero
  • We all need to play our part and make change happen.
  • Be aware of your own carbon footprint (use a calculator like the one at Carbon Footprint).
  • Contact your favorite brands on social media and ask them what they are doing to reach net zero. Words aren’t enough – ask them for proof.
  • Hold your government leaders and CEOs accountable, have them support businesses, cities, regions and investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery.
  • Use your vote. Use your voice. Use your power.

Resources for learning more about the risks to the Arctic and our planet as a whole:

ArcticRisk Platform:
Polar Bears International:
Arctic Basecamp:
Ocean Conservancy:

I’m going to say this because is the TRUTH…THIS IS NOT THE AMERICA I GREW UP IN!

This country has changed, for the worse. People are at each other’s throats. Men, women, and children are killing one another. Kids are being bullied to the point of suicide. There is so much anger, so much hate, so much impurity, brewing in this country that it’s like a bomb waiting to explode, and explode it will. Life has become harder, finding a job has become nearly impossible, the cost of food and necessities has become greater. And you know, there was man who lived 2000 years ago – his name was Paul, and he saw it all long before it came to be…and it is riddled with the truth of our time…

He wrote in his letter to Timothy, a disciple of Christ, in 2 Timothy chapter 3, “You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.”

May God have mercy on us all.